He might have been hiding from me as well. I dunno. He seems to enjoy my company... but he's also very polite and kind, it's not like he's just going to tell me to fuck off.
Since he didn't answer the phone I sat on his porch and cut up the boxes that were by the garage so the recycling people would take them away.
I was disappointed that I didn't get to see him, but I got some sun and exercise.
This doggie just wanted to play.
Anyway... there's this large bronze sculpture in the park. I cried when I saw it. I didn't even have to count the figures. I went back and looked at it today.
There's one for each of them... as they were and still are.
That's my family. All the Aunts and Uncles. (The Wicked Stepsisters are not pictured.)
This is my Uncle. It looks almost like he did at that age.
You'd have to see the actual sculpture. The sun went in and out... some of my pictures make it look positively grotesque. Hmmmm. It was meant to look that way I think. They look like happy children... but if the light changes, or if you look at a different angle they look tortured.
Yes, that's my bike tire. Ooops. That big black thing? That's salvaged history, it's a ship mooring thing-a-ma-jig.
What was there to be scared of? None of the people buried there would have risen up and caused me harm... if their spirits were still hanging around there they would have protected me, and still would I'm sure.
I visit now and then. I'm always careful not to step on anybody and if I do I apologize. Sometimes I see something I want to look at and I end up stepping on someone. It's a very old cemetary. The records don't go back far enough... there might be Revolutionary War casualties in there.
While I was walking around I really needed to sit down and have some water, it was terribly hot. I sat on a man named William. Sorry Sir, I need to sit, I hope you don't mind...
I doubt any spirit/entity/person that might still be hanging around there would mind me visiting. It makes me feel peaceful, and I'm sure they don't get too many nice visitors.
I liked the way you described the sculpture. It is cool to think that the way the shadow falls upon the figures completely changes the mood. I think this is the idea behind the gorgyle(?) sculptures on Cathedrals. I'm assuming it all harkens back to our primal fear of the dark. Did you know that among Altzheimers patients there is a thing called sundowner syndrome? When the sun goes down they become increasing disoriented, agitated & fearful.
I wonder if this all relates, somehow?
In studying modern sculpture I've read that the idea is to see the sculpture in relationship to the space around it. Not only how the sculpture is defined by the space around it but how the space is defined by the sculpture. In our last house, one of the veiws included a large smokestack from an abandoned mill, almost everything had been torn down but this smokestack that rose about 70 feet in the air. A nice phallic symbol to ponder with my morning coffee..........
Anyway, one morning I woke up & it was gone. How strange & empty the space it had occupied suddenly seemed.
Very nicely written, Bryan, as before.
What cemetery is this one? It looks pretty old and creepy.
It isn't a very creepy cemetery, it is a little. I guess it depends on where one's head is at.
I like to visit the old graves.
It was established as an actual cemetary in the mid 1800's, but it might have been there much longer.
It's Riverview.
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