My pictures get bigger if you want to click on them.
It's a very sweet cat. That's my Sister's backside you see there.
Here's more pics of his yard. I told him it's wonderful and that people would pay thousands of dollars to get theirs to be that way.
These appear here and there. I have no idea what they are. Somebody I work with has them in her yard. She hates them, they run rampant in her yard.
This next pic was a bare patch of dirt when I was a kid. My Uncles and all their friends used to play basketball there. Look at it now.
I have no idea what kind of moss it is. Small pretty starburst things. That's a buttercup in there, they're all over too, just randomly. No idea what the leafy plant is either.
Here's my artsy pictures of the basketball hoop.
*sigh* I want to get him a basketball. He can't really see the hoop... but if he walked around the yard... he'd know the right spot just by the way the ground felt.
*swoosh* Score!
The trees would need a trim though.
The beer is mine.
I think I may have a new photo obsession. Food. That's my rice pudding there. It looked gross. It was delicious though.
charles poem
I't's better now that I've read it myself.
It was nice talking to you.
Im sure it was. Jeez, Im a dork sometimes.
Oh crap! I meant to specify "Im sure it was nice to read it yourself."
No, you're not a dork. hee hee... Ok, you are a dork, lol... I was still half asleep when you called.
I'd have blown you off and hung up but that would have been rude. I needed to get up anyway.
It was nice to talk to you, but like I said, I was up until 6am... It's not like you called me at some insane hour either.
Well, that's the definition of a true friend; one that doesn't blow you off when you wake them up & make them listen to you recite poetry.
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