I found these the other day... I got to visit Washington D.C. once upon a time, many eons ago. It rained the whole time. We didn't even get off the bus. Didn't get to see anything really.

We just rode around in circles for hours in that damned bus. In the rain. It started to stink in there.
I'm not pictured... the blonde kid is Timmy... the one with his finger up his nose is Fat Matt. No idea who the others are.
Twelve hours on a smelly bus in the rain. What fun.
Here's a cartoon. If it's too small click on it, it gets bigger.
What year was this taken? I'm guessing that was the last time you were in the Nation's Capital?
P.S. How come there is no comment option in your current entry?
That was in 1981. Haven't been back.
Hmmm. No comment option... I have no idea. I didn't change anything, other than adding that "thing"...
Fixed it. Blogger glitch? I put it up again and deleted the first one.
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