Thursday, June 28, 2007

Interesting Interlude

(My pics get bigger if you click on them.)

I met someone today. He is a gentleman and a scholar. One of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet. We talked about all sorts of things. Why is the sky mauve? Why are lions so dandy? Is the moon really made of cheese? I snuck this picture of him while he wasn't looking. He's much better looking than he would lead you to believe.

Yes my blogging friends, that is Arcturus in the flesh. I always did think he was quite attractive but seeing him in person took my breath away. I wanted to rush off to a motel immediately!

We spent quite a while admiring the hippos.

They really are amazing animals. Arc wanted to jump in the enclosure and ride on the one with the stick, I wouldn't let him though. There was too much hippo poop in the water.

We did break into song at one point. It was quite lovely.
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
Don't want a doll, no dinky Tinker Toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won't have to use our dirty chimney flue
Just bring him through the front door,
that's the easy thing to do

I can see me now on Christmas morning,
creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise
when I open up my eyes
to see a hippo hero standing there

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles, no rhinoceroses
I only like hippopotamuses
And hippopotamuses like me too

Mom says the hippo would eat me up, but then
Teacher says a hippo is a vegeterian

There's lots of room for him in our two-car garage
I'd feed him there and wash him there and give him his massage

I can see me now on Christmas morning,
creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise
when I open up my eyes
to see a hippo hero standing there

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles or rhinoceroseses
I only like hippopotamuseses
And hippopotamuses like me too!

Here's the sad part. Arc whimped out on me... He wouldn't jump in the shark tank! At least he took my phone and got some pics.
Come on, doesn't this look like fun?

Arc got a little adventurous later, he kissed me on the neck and nibbled on my ear. That almost always does it for me. Grrrroooowwwllll! We got a little frisky after that. I'm on the bottom of course.

****Insert Disclaimer Here.****

In case you are mentally challenged in some way, that was a work of fiction. I should think that was obvious but it seems there are a lot of stupid people around these days.

I do like Arc, I think he's interesting, smart and cute. We've never met but I think I'd like to, just to hang out for a bit. I doubt we'd ever make a good couple, we're both kinda nutz.

Here's the real story behind this entry.

I missed the bus to work this morning by about 35 seconds. Grrrr. So I dashed a block over to catch the bus to the train station so I could catch the free shuttle bus. Waiting, waiting, waiting. No danned shuttle busses appear.

I call the most reliable cab co in the city. "Walk around the left side of the station and pick one. That's where they are." Bullshit. Not a cab in sight.

I hopped on our little mini metro to go the hell home, then said fuck that, I'm gonna use my day off more appropriately. I called out for the whole day two hours late (I did call much earlier to say I'd be late). Then I took the river line to the aquarium.

Yeah, that shark tank pic is some photoshop thing they do... but you really can do it by appointment. I think I want to.

I did take extra hippo pix, it was too hot outside to bother the pengiuns. It was also class trip day! Oh Joy!

The cutest little girl came up to me... "Sir, will you buy me an iced tea?" Those are two dollars you know, I bareley had enough for my drink. "But I need an Iced Tea. I'm so thirsty and it's hot."

I'm not your Daddy or your Uncle, I can be as mean as I want. I'm not getting you an iced tea. There are plenty of cold water fountains inside if you're thirsty. She went away.

I felt bad, but she cant grow up like that. Hello can you? Expecting kindness. I heard one of their handlers say that they each had $2 to start with. These weren't inner city ghetto kids either. They were spoiled brats.


concerned citizen said...

hi bry! L>T here
I don't know if i've shown you my new blog yet.

I'm not posting or anything on my old one even though it looks like I've formed an exclusive club. It's just my way of keeping it "on ice"
I might of told you all this???I don't recall.

I'm glad you decided to post. I was starting to wonder if everything was OK.

Call me one of these days & catch me up on the news, K?

You did have me going on the story about Arc(& yes I am a little slow)

The little con artist! That is a very bad habit she's picking up.
You were absolutely right not to cave in. I'm guessing her parents would be appalled if they knew she'd tried that.

Arcturus said...

Wow. I need to ponder this entry.

I wanted to swim with the hippos but there was too much hippo poop?

That's lyrical.

Well, that and wanting to rush off to a cheap motel with me.

But thank you for posting the lyrics to that song. I've heard the title but was wondering what the words were.

I probably wouldn't have bought her an iced tea, either. The whole things was too strange. Next thing you know, some tv news crew is rushing out with cameras in your face accusing you of God-knows-what.

'Sides, if you were low on money, you're hardly obligated to do that for a kid who probably comes from some money anyway. Don't feel bad. You didn't no anything wrong.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Arcturus: Did I say anything about a cheap motel? I had 600.00 in my wallet that day, You'd have rose petals in the bed and in the bath waiting for you. Not like that would ever happen of course. I'm old, overweight, have metal in my face and too many tattoos.

There really was too much pooo in the water, that big one with a the stick took a dump while I was right there. Huge ball of it floating around. I pointed it out to all the young children, "Look! That's hippo poop! I just saw him do it!" Made their day, probably the highlight of the whole trip. 30 kids going "Eeeewwww!!!" in unison. Made my day, lol.

Why did I have 600.00 you ask? That can't be spoken of in this forum.

Anonymous said...

L>T: Yes, yes, I know adout the blog and some of the other things. You told me.

What a little brat she was! Acting all sweet and innocent and sad. I knew exactly what she was up to. I was a kid once too.

Uhhh. No I haven't been ok. I'm just barely above ok right now, but that's as ok as I've ever been anyway.

Anonymous said...

What the hell was that you said over at arcs blog about the Police?

Damn, Bryan!
Damn, Bryan!
Damn, Bryan!

Anonymous said...

L>T: Oh yes, there were police involved. State Trooper gestapo types. They wanted to handcuff me. Probably use their mace or tasers too. Go voluntairily or come in cuffs.

The local police acted like normal people. "Can I go get my cigarettes and wallet? One of you can follow me and watch and another can follow and watch the watching." They were quite nice.

I didn't do anything bad, somebody overreacted to my overreaction and chaos happened.

fifi said...

what's going on here? says the nosey, smelly old fish who has stuck her very long snout into someone else's business.
Sorry about dripping rancid seawater on your carpet, but you seem very nice and quite amusing.

What is wrong? Why are police bashing down your door? I can't have the boy genius mixed up in any of this. ;-P

Anonymous said...

somebody overreacted to my overreaction and chaos happened.
Yeah, that happens.

I would be calling you, but my fucking phone is in my sons truck, which is miles away up the river at some redneck i'm stuck. As soon as I get my phone back, you ARE getting a phone call, mister!

BTW, that bouncing avatar...annoying

Anonymous said...

fifi: I don't have amy carpet, it's all just been ripped out! Turns out there's real hardwood from the 1800's underneath. Real nice too. I'd like to refinish it but it's too much work for me and too expensive to hire someone, so carpet it is again... or maybe that wood floorimg they use on the dyi home shows.

Thank you for the compliment. I tend to come off as rather odd and scary in person, until you kidna know me. I really am a nice person. Sometimes too nice I think. I really did want to buy that greedy little girl her tea. I had the money, but somebody needs to teach her manners and stranger=danger. If she was that thirsty I would have gadly escorted her to a cold fountain inside and given her back to her back to the people who were supposed to be watching her, but with my luck it would have turned ino one of those Amber Alert Stolen Child things we have here. *sigh*

The other thing I can't really talk about here. Nobody was hurt or killed, no propety was damaged (except my fucking doors), drugs and prostitution were not involved.

Not to worry... I wouldn't get Boy Wonder involved in something like my recent dilemma. I like him. Nice guy.

L>T: That's my gay pride flag bouncing blob. I think he's cute. I just put him up, you're stuck with him for a while. Would you rather I go back to that sad depressed looking yellow creature? I could put the giant boncing boobies back up but Arc found them distrating.

I have much worse things I could use as well.

Nice talkin to ya.

Anonymous said...

I seem to have misplaced a comment from Arc. I didn't delete it on purpose, I'm a little frazzled lately. From Arc:

I wish I had some good advice to give you, Bryan. If you want to call me, please feel free to do so.

I *will* say that I have no intention of swimming with hippos, however much I love them, even if the water is free of hippo poop. They're rather territorial creatures with a bad temper.

Of course, that I sleep with a hippo ... Flippo my plush baby hippo stuffed animal ... on my bed is beside the point.

Arc: I knew you had a thing for hippos, but I knew it didn't go quite that far! Gimme some credit here, I'm not a total loony. lol

Now I just have to figure out how to get you into some jeans and become infatuated with overweight men with psoriasis, tattoos and metal in their face. Mmmm. Thats a hard one. Don't think it's gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Really, bryan your little bouncing guy is OK. Fucking annoying, but OK.

DJ MotorCityMonk said...

Good move on not giving into the cuteness factor of the little girl. I'm a sucker and probably would have given her a couple bucks but you definitely did the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! What an icon! I am shocked, bryan i didn't realize THAT is what you look like.

Hmmm, I'll call ya later. ;]

Anonymous said...

L>T: You know darned well that isn't me! I can dream though. :-)