Why did nobody think to help the boy with this other than me? It's very complicated too and I can see to read all this crap.
The boy needs a new digital photo ID. He has a paper one w/out a picture that is still valid, but since 9/11 that amounts to nothing.
He also needs his Soc sec. card and birth certificate. He no longer knows where whey are.
To get these things replaced he needs these same things as identification... fortunately getting his birth certificate should be be pretty easy.
Why must things be so damned difficult? He worked security for years, he's had a full background check. He was even licenced to carry firearms back then I think. He's in the "system" dammit. I've told him to take advantage of what he can while he can. He never did drugs. He was never a drinker either. This never should have happened to him.
It's now easier for an illegal immigrant to get these documents. Why the hell are some of the documents/instructions you need available in Portuguese? Fuck that shit. I wouldn't go to Portugal without knowing how to communicate politely "Where is the toilet. I need to shit."
The translation I learned in Spanish class is wrong. It does mean where is the bathroom... The bath. It doesn't mean where can I piss. Fucking bullshit world.
End of rant. I am kinda ok. Frazzled and exhausted is the best way to put it.
Must end with a piccie. A picture of me and the boy from very long ago. Guess who's in the Miss Piggy outfit. In size 10 women's heels. I also wore the other outfit once or twice I think.

I'm afraid I'm missing something here ... who is the boy to whom you are referring? Sorry if it is obvious and I'm missing it...
Nice picture. A bit strange, but I
wouldn't expect anything else. :)
I'm assuming you are talking about just getting an ID card?
If you can go to the post office you should be able to pick up a form to send in for a new birth certificate, it costs 20-25 bucks, i just got one myself.
You are right about illegal immigrints getting that stuff easier then citizens. It's that way here, too. weird, huh?
SSCards are a bitch to replace for some reason. If you can actually get into an office & talk to a real person, after you get the birth certificate. Hopefully, he knows his SS number?
It's nice of you to help him with all this, cause it is complicated.
Arc: Yes my friend you are missing something that I think would obvious. I still like you anyway! :-)
Think back to that long talk we had the other night... where you couldn't quite grasp why I loved a certain person so much.
The "boy" I am referring to is My Mr. Sirius. A man I shouldn't love like I do, but it just happened. I can't explain it any other way.
If you look through my blog you can sort of see him. It's the guy you can never see quite clearly, just parts of him. He's a wonderful beautiful person.
I can never let him know how I feel. How I've felt for years. If I did I'd probabably lose what I have... I'd like so much more, but if he knew it would probably ruin what I do have.
This is him. I love him. I can't help it.
Please take that email I sent seriously. You're a nice person and you deserve it if it's there.
L>T: No, I'm not just talking about an ID card here. I'm talking about almost every document he needs in this post 9/11 worlsd.
ALMOST EVERY FUCKING THING! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get these things and prove who you are these days?
The birth cert is gonna be easy tho. Thank the powers.
not really, but i know how important it is to have that `stuff if you want to travel at all.
It's like Cheers where I live, "Everybody knows your name." The only time I have to show ID is when I get on a plane.
You are just going to have to be patient darl'in or charming...:)
L>T: It's not even like he plans on traveling, all he realy has is this stupid piece of paper, that even though valid is just that these days, a bit of paper. Worthless.
You didn't tell me how sexy I was in my thrift store dress... or how beautiful and pert my boobies were back then. :-)
Click the picture. It gets bigger. You might be able to make out my lovely "diamond* watch. Kermet the frog is pinned to my shoulder.
I think I was about 16 in that picure. Look at our sizes. About the same size right? Well, no...
I'm wearing about 4 inch heels in that outfit. He's not supposed to be the tiny frail person he is now. He's supposed to be able to kick my ass and pulverize me should it be warranted...
Not that he ever did such a thing, he's always been nothing but nice to me, even though I know I must have deserved a smack now and then.
Have I answered your latest comment yet?
I don't remember if I answered you or just thought about. Well, if I didn't:
You did make a lovely girl in the picture even though though you had a pig's face & rolled up socks for tits. ;] Ha Ha!
I remember my son dressing up as a girl (a sexy secretary with giant boobs) when he was about 16 for Halloween & think most of his friends did the same at one time or another. Interesting phenomenon...
Out of curiosity I was googling about getting SSC cards & photo ID.
you are right. It's complicated.
Let me know how that turns out?
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