So do I.
<---- I didn't take that. I found it on the net.
I think he's terribly sexy.
Her husband seems a little bored with going to see them... so if she wants a buddy I'm more than happy to go.
I think she might have gotten the tickets from the fan club this time. Maybe not.
For just a few dollars more than the tickets cost we had "V.I.P. parking". We also got let in a side door before the rest of the unwashed masses. That's a good thing when you're attending a general admission show.
We got right up to the front of the stage on the left side where I planted myself firmly.
Here's some pictures. Sorry I don't have more.
Here I am at the start of my journey. I almost missed the train...
The ticket seller told me it was coming on track 2.
The arrivals/departures thing said track 2.
It came on track one.
Fortunately, I'm not a dumbass and knew to rush over and get on.
Is it just me, or do most of the announcements for trains and busses sound terrible? Maybe it's just the slums I frequent.
"Wooonn, whaann waaattt woowaaa. Woonn wonn wannwaa."
They sound like the adult voices on the Charles Shultz "Peanuts" cartoons that I watched on television in the 70's.
Nice spot huh? Right up front, left stage.
I had to go to the bathroom for hours.... but I didn't move.With a view like ths would you move?
My sister did go to the bathroom once or twice.
I extended my arms, planted my feet firmly and occupied "our space" while she was gone.
She's a little tiny thing, while she's perfectly capeable of taking care of herself... I'm not sure she would have been able to keep our spot had I gone to pee.
I didn't want to miss this.
And certainly not this!!!
I'm disappointed it came out so blurry. Doesn't matter. I was very close to that shirtless hunk once again. I know what he looks like.Last time we went there to see them I left my sister & her man where they were and wandered off into the crowd. I ended up bouncing around with all the young people.
^^--- This is from sometime around July 07.
We didn't get back to my sisters until after midnight. I ended up sleeping over this time. Mass transport doesn't run how one might like at that hour.
I slept on the floor in the computer/smoking room, even though the couch was offered. I figured I was out of the way there. I'm invited to come visit whenever I want.
Since Arcturus is apparently currently obsessed with church pix. I made sure to get a few this time.
I've taken pictures of this before, but it was, like 2 am.
The pix came out crap so I didn't post them.
This is viewed from the southbound train platform from New Brunswick to wherever... (I could go home, visit D.C. or go to Florida).
They were doing renovations last year. There was scaffolding then. See the new flashing and drainspouts?
Quite lovely. NOT.
It's a very beautiful building... well, it has a nice enough ass anyway, even with the aluminum.
I haven't been around the front or inside, since I'm always in a rush when I go there.
Here's a picture montage of the trip I threw together. I think it's more fun than the post.
It's also got pics I didn't include.
It won't work with some firewalls or if your employer monitors these things.
Click Here
I'm going to bed now. This took way too long.
**edit** That's St. Peter's The Apostle Parish. Mystery solved **edit**
I'm obsessed with many things, as you well know. But those are nice pictures of a spooky looking church. What was the name? You didn't write it in your entry.
You're going to get yourself in trouble taking all those pictures by stealth of concerts like that.
I well understand about entries that take waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to write. I need to get a new entry up today -- my 400th entry on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the start of my blog.
By the way, my cellphone is broken. I can send/receive text messages and calls can come in / go out, and people on the other end can hear me, but I cannot hear them. The volume is almost non-existent. I need to get a new cell phone, hopefully on Tuesday, and hopefully Verizon won't make it too difficult for me. Supposedly, I get a $150 discount, but I'm not sure what hokey-pokey dance I'm going to have to do to get that.
I have no idea what church it is. I've only seen it from the back. I just wasted an hour looking at all sorts of maps and I still don't know.
I just might have to make a trip to find out.
Those were not stealth pictures this time. I expected the need for stealth so I only brought my 2 phones. There were pictures being taken all sort of ways.
I soooo wanted to scream at the man with the giant teleohoto lensed digital video camera.
How he smuggled that in I don't know. They busted my sister for her bottled water, she had to take it back to the car..... where she shoved it into her pants then walked back in w/ no prob.
Dude, I'd give you one of my extra phones, but our providers don't get along.
I think it's St. Peter's The Apostle Parish....
Yup. I'd say that's it. Mystery solved.
What were you doing reading this crap? Did Neopets crash once again?
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