It was nce out so I took the little boys out for a walk.
A very Looooooong walk.
We went here and there and everywhere.
We went out at 3:30 and got back at 5:15. They managed to pee on every darned thing they could the entire time.
Here are the nice doggies looking both ways before we cross the street.
Wait! Wait! Good boys! You such good boys. Ok, you can go now!
They really are a chick magnet... Guys like 'em too.
(Some drunk, stoned, homeless looking guy yelled "Hey! That's a Nice pug!!" then proceeded to urinate in the street..... Nice. Like, dude, at least go do that in the alley where people don't have to see.)
Oh My God! They're soooooo cute!!!
Look! Look!!! Look at them!!!! Do they bite? Can I touch them?!?!?!!
No, they don't bite. They might lick your face off though.
Jake needs a new leash. The retractable locking button thing doesn't stay locked. Gotta hold the button down manually the whole time...
Can't have him walking 20 feet ahead of me...
They are quite a handfull!!
Happy!! Happy!! Happy!!! We're walkin! Walk walk WALK!!
(That's us taking a rest in a park. I'm resting, they wanna go play soccer.)
We almost crashed a wedding, the doors were open. It was their idea. I didn't let them. They'd have eaten the bouquet!
Little girls in frilly dresses wanting to come running out of the church and chase my dad's dogs. Too funny. Look!!! Puppies!!! Mommy!! Puppies!!!
Poor kids must have been on their best behavior for hours and hours. Maybe I should have let the dogs run into the church... I'm going to hell anyway.
It's still nice. But... where's the grass? Where'd the trees go? There was a nice big healthy tree in that park. It's gone.
I understand why they bricked it over. Less maintenance. Less cost.
What you can't see in that pic is the giant ugly metal fountain sculpture that must have cost several thousand dollars. (you can't see the kids playing soccer either)
Those things in the background? The metal things? Those are giant oversized steel (aluminum?) lounge chairs with ottomans. This is art?
I'm all for adding beauty. This is not beauty.
They don't function as a chair, bench or a picnic table. They're hot as hell to try and sit on in the summer... being METAL...
Then there's the hundereds and hundreds of gallons of water that spew out of that hideous sculpture. (I'm pretty shre there must be some sort of recirculator thingamabob built into it to help conserve water, at least I hope there is.) It really doesn't cool anything off.
At least you can dine at these ugly tables with the odd looking, non functional lights stuck in them.
They might function. I've never seen them lit though.
Your tax dollars at work.
I gotta say, the neighborhood kids do enjoy the fountain in the summer though. Most of them are poor, where are they gonna go? It's not like they can take a weekend trip to the beach.
Here's some really bad video of Clyde. It MAKES NOISE!!! So turn your volume down. You don't need to hear me shrieking "Wiggle! Wiggle!!! Wiggle!!!!!" at the top of my lungs.
He wiggles alot. He likes when I tell him to wiggle. He's a very odd creature.
Just popped in to say Hi! Busy weekend...Love the doggies!
I had a busy weekend too.
Was nice to hear from you.
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