Friday, March 21, 2008

Oooohhh!! Pretty!!

I have a new thingamabob. I actually have four. They were on sale.

on sale = good

I also supposedly provided 150 cups of food to starving people with my purchase.

I'm going to give one to my friend. I don't know about the other two.

Glass sphere is shot through with phosphorescent grains and mounted atop an easy-to-use garden stake. The solar LED light within stores the sun's rays during the day, and emits them after dark for a dazzling glow -- switching between red, blue, and green, while the the phosphorescence traces glow in the dark, even when the LED light is turned off.

Here's pics of one. It's out in my little back yard doing it's thing.

I think it's kinda neat.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye!

The Sound of Music is on.

It's going to be on all weekend.

How annoying.

300+ channels of nothing.


Arcturus said...

What is that you purchased? I can't tell. It looks like some sort of psychedelic lamp, except we didn't have LEDs in the 1960s.

The Sounds of Music?? What channel is that on??

Anonymous said...

Sound of Music is playing REPEATEDLY on "ABC Family". You might be able to catch it on sunday.

ABC Family. Ha. It's not so family. Then there's thay semi religous programming that comes on late at night. Whatever.

Dude! I like you very much, but you attention span! Gee. It's in the post.

It's a solar powered glass sphere on a stick. You shove it into your garden!

Arcturus said...

Sorry my attention span is so limited. All I do is pay attention to me.

Anonymous said...

Arc I wasn't being nasty.

This blog is all about Meeeeeee!!! after all.

I don't expect you to read every darned worthless piece of shit I put on it.

I am very happy when you visit though.