Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another Night Out... George Carlin

Carlin rocked. He hasn't lost it. 70 year old dude up there telling relevant topical jokes. He was very funny. MySpace, eBay, gay marriage, cell phones, comas, GOD!, space, time....

He wasn't bitter or nasty like I'd heard he's been in the past few years. If he swings by your way and the tickets are do-able, go see him.

<---- That ghostly figure is George.
Horrible picture.

I was only 12 rows back. I should have brought a regular camera, there were a lot of people taking pictures. Nobody stopped them. NO PICTURES!

I really don't get it, I've gone to shows and got busted with my phone and had to put it away. I've had to toss a few brand new disposable cameras in the trash (well, they ARE disposable) ... but the asshole near me has a huge camera the size of a hippo and nothing is said.

Here's a picture of the venue...

The War Memorial. It was renamed in 2001.

It's the Patriots Theater now that it's been renovated.

Here's s bit of what it looks like inside...

This is a view from near the stage.

Even if you have to get seats up there in the balcony they're still ok. The place isn't that big, it seats 1,800 people.

Elton John played there once. I wish I had known.

I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to get seats but I would have tried.

Here's the ceiling.

Pretty darned cool.

It also has a pipe organ.

I've gone there to watch the silent black and white, 1925 "Phantom of the Opera" a couple of times.

That was really cool, seeing it on a huge screen with an actual pipe organ playing.

Since it was supposed to rain all weekend I got myself a room (discount rate too!). I like to do it right every so often. Here's the lobby.

*note to self* Ask Arcturus about the weather, he'll probably give a better forecast. *end note*

It didn't rain. Well, not much anyway.

There were some puddles on the ground this morning.

I had a decent view.

The parking facility isn't very pretty but... whatever.

At least they didn't cut down a whole bunch of trees to put it there.

It used to be a parking lot anyway. Now it's gone vertical and there's a hotel on it....

That has beds like this.

No wonder everybody hates Americans.

That's my bed...

and my dvd player.

Nobody wanted to see Carlin with me.... Actually, I don't think I even asked anyone. I knew they'd say no. He's gotten a reputation for being very bitter and way too political. He wasn't.

I did check the bedside table.

There was a Bible. There were two I guess...

One had "The Bible" stamped on it. The other was "The Book of Mormon".

I promptly threw my gay porn DVDs in that drawer.

Then sat gazing out the window.

Where's the darned rain? Looks pretty sunny to me!

The whole hotel is "No Smoking". I managed to deal with that.

Well... not really...

I hadn't had a smoke in a while... I NEEDED ONE!!!

... and I was naked, just got out of the shower...

So I shoved my face into the three inch gap you're allowed to open the window, took three quick puffs and put it out quickly. I don't think I managed to stink up the place. Other than that I did smoke in the designated area.

I even got myself locked out of the building! The doors lock after 1:00 am and you have to use your key card to get back in. Being a dumbass, I didn't know which door was the one that opened. The Security Guy let me back in.

It didn't help that I was pretty plastered at that point.

I would have noticed the side door had I been less confused.

The one bartender was very, very cute... they both were. The one I liked the most was straight...

the other? Not so straight.

<---- That vodka and cranberry was eight dollars.

Ok, it was six. Good sized drink with a fair enough amount of vodka in it.

I tip. More than I should. That's where the extra two dollars went. My second v & c was like $12 or something (with the tip it was almost $15). There was almost no cranberry in it. I gave that nice man the singles and the change. I don't want freaking pennies!!!!

Why would you even do that??? If you owe me .04 just give me the extra penny and turn it into a nickel. Take the two cents you owe me next time and keep it. It'll all even out.

I'd be all for not using pennies at all, but then we'd have the same problem with nickels.

So anyway... I wandered off to my room with my drinks and ordered "I Am Legend" on pay per view. It was good. I missed the ending though. I fell asleep... I'll have to borrow my Dad's copy...

That is no reflection on the movie. I have very strange sleeping patterns.

I don't sleep. Finally my system reaches critical mass and I'm down for the count. A freight train could go through the room and I wouldn't hear it.

Here's breakfast.

Breakfast in bed.

I gave the cute guy who placed it there cash as a tip.

Do you know how complicated it is for the staff if you put the gratuity on the bill?

They sometimes don't get their part for months. Sometimes not at all.

Steak and eggs, New York style. It was much more food than it looks like.

I took all the condiments home with me.

Little bottles of jam, marmalade and catchup. I guess people do that regularly. Breakfast was 21 dollars after all.

I would have stayed another day, since I got such a good rate on the room...

but the cable didn't have any of my channels on it...

I could have entertained myself watching movies (I did bring real movies, not just porn) but the stupid tv didn't have any jacks to plug my dvd player into.


DJ MotorCityMonk said...

Sounds like a good time was had by all, er, I mean by you.

Wish my bed at home looked that inviting.

Anonymous said...

I wish my bed was like that. It's so wonderfully decadent to have a huge luxurious bed like that all to one's self.

This weekend my friend and I are going to A.C. to see Pat Benetar at House of Blues. I scored VIP seats. Just really good seats, no backstage passes or anything like that.

Of course I got us a jacuzzi room for two nights. No place fancy, it's an Econo Lodge right near the boardwalk. It's nice enough. There are pics of the room on here.

They've got those "memory foam" mattresses, those are terrilby comfortable like the commercials claim, however...

I read they aren't so great to have sex in, that an innerspring is better, as the "memory foam" has no resistance and you just kinda sink into it.