I'm kidding. It's all put away safely. I do think I need a couple of baseball bats though, those aren't a weapon really. One by each door.... and a can of hairspray, lysol or air freshener by each window and door, those aren't weapons.

It started with this. Why? No idea. I just always wanted one. Yes, it's a full sized sword.
Then on one of my excursions I found these. Daggers. I always wanted one. No Idea why. I just did.

These (below) were a gift from one of my favotite people. The blind guy.

Then there's my Swiss Army Knife (not pictured), at least that's utilitarian.
I think I have enough sharp pointy things.
I'd go get more cute plush animals... but I have enough of those too.
No more pointy things though.
That's enough.
Next up? Perhaps I'll grace you with a picture of the kidney stone I passed this morning!
Put those away right NOW.
Someone will come and stick them into you. thats what happens.
They are truly horrifying items. Just wear the bum shirt as repellant.
That shirt would be more of an attractant than a repellant!
It started with this. Why? No idea. I just always wanted one.
Probably, like my son, ex-husband & most guys, when you were 6, you used to play with sticks & pretend they were swords. Now you have a real sword to play with.
Plush animals & all those knives just seems like a bad combination for some reason.
Ahem, I did not play with sticks when I was young. Sticks were stupid. All you could do was hit things with them. Objects or living things that one could destroy, hurt or kill.
Where's the sense in that? Makes no sense. It didn't then or now.
When I've ever needed to play with something long and hard... you know where I go! Ok, so it's not that long, it's average.
When I feel the need to break or hurt something/someone... I take whatever glass bottles I can find handy to the nearest dumpster (where it's safe to do this) and smash them against the insides of it.
I really like the sound of breaking glass when I'm upset about things. Throwing bottles into a giant metal trash bin and smashing them is a whole lot better than what some people do.
I'm not hitting someone, with my body, a freaking bottle, or whatever. (I usually end up carrying some unknown person's beer bottles over).
I think that's a much better idea than an actual face to face fight (with fists or just screaming). It gives the people involved time to calm down, focus and stop being upset...
Plus all the glass ends up in the dumpster. Nobody gets hurt, Nothing to clean up. No bloody wounds. *sigh*
Now I think I'll go cut the heads off all of my suffed animals with my collection of pointy things.
I'm kidding. The pointy things are put away safely.
I guess I've just spend too much time around a bunch of rednecks.
It was very nice to talk to you last night.
You are a good friend Bryan.
It's always nice to talk to you as well. "Someone" thinks I'm sort of redneck. The tattoos don't help that I'm sure... and now I have all these pointy things as well!! *sigh* Oh well.
You've talked to me at length. You know I'm not a complete freak and or an idiot. I like to be scary, odd and freakish. That's how I am.
Yes, I'm still awake!!! It's 11:00 my time and I'm still awake. Maybe I should start doing drugs? Perhaps it would reverse my system and give it normalcy....
But then my brain might not work. At least I know how it works as it functions now. I don't need it to shift slantways and have to relearn the whole thing again. That might make me really truly crazy.
I know fact from fiction. Fantasy from reality. bla, bla, bla... I'm about to get terribly verbose again I shall stop now. (there were 3 more paragraphs but I deleted them)
Self destructive, maybe, insane no.
Some times, those paragraphs are the best ones, the most revealing ones anyway, the most heartfelt ones, or the drunkest ones.
Yeah, better to delete them. :)
That's wisdom. Knowing when to delete. I haven't learned that lesson, myself.
I'm still awake!!! It's 3 pm! I think I've hit critical mass, defcon red.
Gotta tell you the weird thing (if I didn't) that happened last night.... before we talked... it sort of happened later too. of coures by this point I'm completely deleious from lack of sleep.
There's going to be tears, I just know it, when you decapitate those toys.
I know better than to become involved in any sort of decapitation!!! My plushies are quite safe, so are yours and everyone else's!!
I put the pointy things away!!!
oh, yes, you did. I neglected to see that previous comment. I was just checking.
I know you would never stab MY plushie.
What a curious term. Plushie. Like one of those frozen fizzy drinks. I usually say soft toy.
Or stuffed animal. HHHHHHHAAAAAAAA.
and we haven't even begun to discuss the kidney stone, god help us.
oh oh oh
I am not sure what to THINK
about your new fashion,
only that it is a bit scary.
Sleep deprived people do all sorts of odd things. Fortunately I don't do anything really harmful to anyone but myself.
I got a new cell phone. Same number but everything is all fucked up. I'm such a tard. ARRRGH!
Hahahahahahaha! @ handmaiden. I'm laughing with you not at you.
Mine's all screwey too. I know how to fix it, but it's such a pain in the ass.
I'm incummunicado all this weekend. Small trip & a concert, so we couldn't talk anyway.
What! We can't talk? But...but...what if i need you?
You are my only reliable friend.
I'd call you fifi, but hey you live in Austrailia
You can try to call me. I might not be able to answer or talk though. Small trip, concert....
When I get back I have to help take out "someone's" air conditioner so he doesn't freeze during winter.
I did just call you, on the cell. One of my friends died today. *sigh* I'm ok, I guess. But what a mess for her partner who is also my friend. Awful. Awful. Awful.
I am sorry to hear about your friend. That's really awful. take care
Scary images.
Regulus: I didn't think you'd like that post. No worries. It's all stored away safely and nobody's getting hurt.
What the heck am I gonna do with all that crap... besides lock it away? Like, really?
There were all these shiny things and like a magpie I was drawn to them.... Now I'm all, like, aaaahhhh!!!! WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS DUMB POINTY SHIT!!!
Fifi: Thank you. It's not my story to tell/put on the net. So I can't. It's really not too good though.
I imagine you might do something similar to what I do when shitty things happen.
I just try to think of all the wonderful things there are, mentally wrap them into a big ball that I toss miles up into the air and hope that the "good vibrations" land where they're needed most. **sigh**
No, not for here, some things.
Yes, whatever you throw out there in the form of good things will certainly go somewhere good.
I had forgotten my habit of doing that: I will have to resurrect it. Last year was so full of good stuff to throw around. This year is...not so good.
look after yourself.
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