Here you go, as promised....
Get your air-sickness bags out now!!! It's kinda gross!!!
Don't say I didn't warn you!!!
Maestro, Drumroll please!!!
Ta-Da!!! My kidney stone!

That's my mouse, a quarter and a dime so you have something to judge it's size. The nasty bugger is about the size of a rather small dwarf raisin. If only it was soft like a raisin. Fucker hurt quite a bit as it was making it's journey.
I'll spare you the gory details. If you've had one you know how unpleasant it is. If you're reading this and want gory details, go look it up! Obviously, you have internet access.
I've had kidney stones before so there wasn't any panic this time. No "OMG! OMG!", and rushing off to the doctor. I knew what was going on.
It was just "ouch. this hurts, so much. i'm tired of having to pee every 10 minutes. eww, that's a gross color." There was about 24 hours of that. Not much fun at all.
It has an interesting "texture"!
I could take a real close up photo if you want. lol
No, I shall spare you all. This post is gross enough.
I always imagined them to resemble a semi-precious stone, like a topaz.
In other words, the gem version of wee.
How silly of me!
You have shattered all my poetic illusions about these objects. I will never be the same.
yikes!Thank goodness it is now on the table & not in your body.
Fifi, I was going to suggest bryan turn it into a pendant, like this perhaps.
If it was pretty like a topaz or something I might consider doing such a thing. I have two of them saved. (why??!??) I could them mounted and set into a ring!!
It's just a really disgusting rock that I'm glad to be rid of.
Handmaiden, that is exactly the thing I had in mind.
Though, as a knuckle duster, you culd always shriek, at the moment of impact with the bad guy's face,
and HAH! Thats my PEE crushing your FACE.
I really disgust myself at times.
*snicker* That's why I like Aussies.
we're all uncouth as all get-out. My uncouthness is thinly disguised.
I wouldn't say uncouth. I don't think there is one word for it. Not one I can think of.
Down to earth, honest, straight to the point.
I like that.
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