Easier for me to take the train up to her city and leave from there. Of course I missed the train I intended to be on (due to my own stupidity). I made the second one though, just barely. The little "metro" thing came late (of course)...
I had to run across the street, into the station, buy my tickets, run through the station and down the stairs to the platform. (I don't know how people do this stuff on a daily basis.)
All these fat, piddling, fumfering idiots wandering in a daze. I just wanted to scream "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!!!" and shove them aside. I didn't do that though. Instead, I grabbed my bag by all it's straps and pretended I was avoiding the raindrops as they fell. A much more peaceful mindset I think.
'Scuse me. Pardon me. Whoops, sorry! Huh? You're going where? Follow ME!! It's this way!! Hurry!!!!
(<---- recycled picture from another trip)
[[Hee. I like to rescue somebody, even if it's just a small thing. It makes me feel good. :-) ]]
The show was pretty good.... except it was in a gymnasium. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that due to the energy costs and the shitty economy the air conditioning was off. You cannot have that many people in one area with concert lighting and have no air conditioning. I'm sorry. I wanted to be right in the crowd. It was too damned hot!
Fortunately "somebody" decided to break the rules and open a couple of the "secure" doors to let air in. What the hell? Did they want people to pass out? (I don't think I'm ever going there again, even though, overall it was a nice experience, I was hangin' with my sister.)

<---- That's Jason Mraz there.

<---- and here.
We spent most of the evening sitting on the gym floor (my ass still hurts) near the open door. At least it was only 80 degrees there. I can't imagine what it was like in the center of that crowd.

<---- this man had the cutest behind I have ever seen! My sister swatted me... she knew what I was thinking....
His boyfriend's butt wasn't too bad either.
"How do you know?"
"I know. Trust me. Gaydar. You didn't see how they interact either, you were at the snack bar."
"Oh. Ohhh. Yup! I can tell!!"
"Aren't they cute together!!"
She helped me take those. Pulled the little flashlight thing out of her purse so I'd have some light to get pics! There is no doubt. She is my sister.
On the way home... guess what happened. Yep, I missed the train. Again. *sigh* It was my own fault.... I left stuff on my sister's desk and she ran back in to get it (stupid me), so after she dropped me off I had to wait for the next one. But I'm home now. I spent the day with my Dad's doggies so they wouldn't be lonely.... (he had to work)....... so I wouldn't be lonely. Cuddly doggies are a nice thing.
I didn't want to get off the train though. I wanted to stay on it and go... somewhere. Where do I go? I think I want to go South and just ride the train. Get off wherever. Hang out for a while. Go to the beach. Not get killed.
Thats such a good post, I love the ending, how you might choose to continue south.
Don't you think everybody has a kind of otherplace, that they dream of.
I have been reading this week about the idea of the American Sublime, and Bob Dylan's placement of it, in a humid New Jersey landscape, thinking of it in all its "venom and wonder"....
and you have just taken me there. That's pretty cool.
"venom and wonder" That's a very artful way of putting it, accurate too I suppose.
Jersey has a really terrible reputation, and for good reason... but it's not all trash dumps, mobsters and slums. We have some very nice things to offer... and other great things are within a 3 hour drive.
I wouldn't reccomend it as a vacation destination though.
I have lots of other places in my mind. I don't expect I'll ever get to them.
That dumb post took forever. It was pages and pages long. I figured less is more and wiped it all out. *snip* goodbye, gone forever.
I figured I'd better get up here before I didn't do it at all. I'm still not pleased with it, but I've had so many things that I never wrote anything about... and now I never will.
My shirt came today! It's nice. I held it up for my Dad.... "What do you think of this girl? Would you....??"
"Hell Yeah!!"
lol... Maybe I should just put it away in a drawer or something!
I read that comment yesterday at work, and I am still unable to know exactly how I feel about it...ie, you and your dad's conversation.
The superficial part of me, naturally, is flattered, but some other bit of me was completely mortified, and elsewhere again was laughing my head off yet feeling deceitful.
I actually look about 100 years old, I am australian which means add a decade to my real age, which is about a decade older than you, and I go out in the sun every day so add another 20 years to that. So i look like a very old wrinkly lady. Ancient, yucky.
So I while I am grateful for any attention my lardy old arse can generate, I feel I am misleading anyone as far as my , um. "hotness" (?) might go.
but hey: the showoff bit of me is yelling "wear your tshirt every day!! Make me a celebrity in Jersey! hooray hooray!!!
I like the idea of Noo Joisey anyway.
Looks aren't everything... and unless you've been using really outdated photos... you look fine.
Dad laughed when I told him how you were, like "OMG! Everybody In Jersey will run! Like a Godzilla movie if you wear that"
ha, no It was taken in about may this year.
That will be so amusing when the godzilla scene takes place. Me in new jersey. I love it. I'm just being coy.
I love riding the train. Amtrak that is. Did I ever tell you about the time I went down to Arizona on the train?
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