Silly Dad. The dogs have flack jackets too. I think they even have galoshes.
They didn't exactly like their new rain gear.
The little black one, Clyde, didn't seem to care.
He does have a brain the size of a peanut after all.
I think the nut is cracked.
Jake didn't seem terribly amused.
He didn't know what to think.
Clyde is perpetually amused.
To Clyde it was just another adventure.
Rocks amuse Clyde. Lint amuses Clyde.
Happy Happy Happy!!!
Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle!!!
He's a complete retard.
I sometimes think it would be nice to be completely retarted.
Oh, excuse me, mentally challenged.
I mean one of the really mentally challenged... the kind that don't know they are and never will. One of the sort that would still be blissfully happy even as they got crushed by a steam roller.
They went for a 20 minute walk in the rain bundled in their sweaters and raincoats .
Happy Happy!!! Walk Walk!!
No, that's not me. That's my dad.
Even though I love his doggies I'm not walking them in that crap.
I'm not walking them in the snow either. They can go out in his yard.
(We haven't gotten any real snow today. Just rain that could cause lots of black ice. We got out of work early - 3 pm, in anticipation of that.
Currently snow is forecasted for tomorrow night.)
Jake still seemed thouroghly confused by his raincoat when they got back, with good reason...
Dad!!! He's got that smooshed pug face. He can't see out of the darned thing!!
Even with the rain gear they still managed to get pretty wet.
Awww. Look at their little sweaters!!
they look like packets of animal. Like you'd unwrap.
They sort of look like doggie sausages! You should see their actual Christmas sweaters. Very tacky.
I got pretty good at wrapping and unwrapping them from their sweaters last year. I spend a lot of time with Dad and the doggies.
wet dog! stinky!
They're amazingly un-stinky dogs, even when wet.
Their flatulence is another story... I can tell which one did it. Dad can't even blame his farts on them. I know the diffrence. Ewww!!
Your avatar stinks, BTW.
I think I like the hunky guys better. No matter how you color a turd it's still a turd.
Or should I say, "A turd by any other name still smells as stinky."
"It's a turd of a different color."
I am a big stinking pile of gay shit. I think it's appropriate.
Oh! Don't say stuff like that about my friend bryan. That could get you an ass whoop'n!.
BTW, I love the card. I am very happy to know that I am helping to save Marine life by your generous donation in my name. :)
It was in my name, that was simpler since I did it for everyone on my list.
Turns out it's fully tax deductable as well. I didn't think it was. I would have spent more.
Let me second Handmaiden's remarks -- please go back to the studly avatar.
Who's doggies are those? And were you walking them?
Did you get a lot of snow? We didn't get squat in D.C., OF COURSE.
What are your Xmas plans? Are you going to the North Pole?
How's this avatar then? Super Hippo!
THOSE ARE DAD'S DOGGIES!!! Why must I keep reminding you? It'says they're dad's in the post. Are you trying to make me crazy?!?
No snow. Zilch. Zero. Nada. It's terribly cold though.
I have no Xmas plans. It's over and done with as far as I'm concerned. Enough. I sent a photo link to your email last week. My sister's family dinner thing.
Yes, that's a little better, except it looks like a hippo that a demented person would draw. But, still, a cartoon hippo is better than a rainbow cartoon piece of [].
I just looked at your family's dinner pictures. You don't really look much like your younger brother.
Where was that gathering? And why was it so dark in the house?
Sorry about not looking at your pictures earlier. Your emails sometimes aren't the most str8-4ward to read and I sort of get lost in them.
That aside, thank you for the presents and the card you sent. I meant to thank you for that.
So you've given up on Xmas already? It hasn't even happened yet.
Subtract 50 lbs from me and you'll see the family resembelance. It's obvious that we're all related. There are enough pictures of the chronicles of years.
My other bro looks exactly like I did 25 years ago. My sister looks like my mom and my one aunt.
Now that I'm older and fat I look almost exactly like dad.
That was at my sister's in New Brunswick. Why so dark? Low wattage lights.
It can be very bright in there if desired. Why waste the energy?
Come & check out my new blog. :)
How un-interesting. Nice meter maid.
WHAT! "un-interesting" How can you say that???!
How can I say that? Easily. All I see is the meter maid. When I tried to click into the blog it told me I wasn't an invited guest.
What? that is not supposed to be.
See! See!! It was boring! If I want legos I'll go into the attic and get some.
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