It always happens this time of year. It's something with the cold winter air. The way the sound travels. It usually happens at night... or the wee hours of the morning to be more precise.
It happens other times of the year too, it's not just holidays when the trains are running constantly to possibly accommodate large groups of people.... but it's almost always at night, when it's very cold.
I live maybe a mile from the "Northeast Corridor" rail line. I could be in Florida or New York in almost no time if I really wanted to. I'm hoping to visit DC soon, somebody I kinda' know lives there.... I might even ride all the way to Florida.... and just ride back.....
I'm sure the train to Florida would dump me off somewhere I don't want to be. **sigh** It might be best to just come back home.... or not bother at all.
It happens other times of the year too, it's not just holidays when the trains are running constantly to possibly accommodate large groups of people.... but it's almost always at night, when it's very cold.
I live maybe a mile from the "Northeast Corridor" rail line. I could be in Florida or New York in almost no time if I really wanted to. I'm hoping to visit DC soon, somebody I kinda' know lives there.... I might even ride all the way to Florida.... and just ride back.....
I'm sure the train to Florida would dump me off somewhere I don't want to be. **sigh** It might be best to just come back home.... or not bother at all.
<----- I can find that here. Why waste the train fare.
Anyway... I'm hearing the trains blow their horns.... every 5, 10, 15 minutes. I'm loving it.
It must be the cold wintery air that does it. It's got to be. It's noon and I still hear them. Maybe my one blogger friend can explain the atmospheric condition. *poke* :-)
Anyway... I'm hearing the trains blow their horns.... every 5, 10, 15 minutes. I'm loving it.
It must be the cold wintery air that does it. It's got to be. It's noon and I still hear them. Maybe my one blogger friend can explain the atmospheric condition. *poke* :-)
it's a really evocative sound. i hpe you take a journey on one.
wishing you a wonderful 2009, bryan.
Oh now this is really interesting...*yawn*
I've made the round trip to my sister's a few times. That's only 20 minutes one way, it's not far.
I did go to NYC to see a show with friends once, what a grand adventure!! My first train ride, first ride in a limousine, first Broadway show.
I'd go to NY by myself, just to go, but I know I'd get hopelessly lost and never be heard from again... hmmmm, some people might consider that a good thing.
I could always show you my penis Rita. What a yawn-fest that would be.
...and don't get pissy with me Rita, I'm not one of your detractors. Take the attitude elsewhere.
I could always show you my penis Rita.
Been there, done that.
Take the attitude elsewhere.
Of course you know I'm only doing this because you dissed my blog.
& I've only put up one entry, so far.
You are being mean.
I fixed it! Jeez thanks for the heads up.
*smacks self on forehead*
I lost my cell phone, too. :(
**throws many soft pillows at Rita**
Goodness, what's going on here?
I was going to make a comment about how poetic tis post was but then you threatened to whip out your business and flash it around and that quite distracted me.
I am sure you won't get lost in NYC. Go there and take lots of pictures and post them. Write about it in that kind of slightly poignant way of yours and I will be very much happy to read it.
what's going on here?
Rita forgot to take her vitamins. She also forgot that people need to actually see her blog.....
So, she got all riled up because I said it was boring. Looking at a page that says you're an uninvited guest is boring, no?
I might be going to NYC in the spring to see this with my sister.... if we can get tickets.
I'm loving the music, it seems twistedly sick enough that I'd enjoy it.
Rita, go click the link above, (oh screw that, click here) you might like the twisted music. For you I recommend "All Men Are Freaks". lol
"you threatened to whip out your business and flash it around
FIFI!!!! how could you even suggest I would do such a thing!! I'm so ashamed of you.
Click Here If You Dare!
Oh, I love off beat musicals. Are you going to go see it?
I'm listening to the music now.
BTW, you post is much better now that you added pictures. & I found my cell phone! It was lost for about 5 days, drove me nuts. It was under the bed.
Rita: Yes, we plan to go see it come hell or high water. Tix go on sale in March? It's not certain yet.
I don't mind people making fun of NJ as long as they're from here. The show is about NJ done by people from NJ. That's acceptable.
While it isn't the greatest place to be it certainly isn't the worst. We get a bad rap.
It needed pictures. They gave it that extra pizazz.
I know you found your phone silly. I'm psychic that way. (we read the same blogs) Maybe you shouldn't turn it off like that!
I can't tell you how many times I lost a phone because I couldn't call it. Oooohh. I better turn the one on, it's my alarm clock.
what the heck IS THAT???
what the heck IS THAT???
Well, you don't think I actually wave it around every chance I get do you? Modesty my dear!!!
I'm discreetly covered with a fig leaf from the tree in the yard next to me!
I added the bows just to make sure none of the bits were possibly showing. It was either bows or staplers, my photo thing only does so much.... didn't want a stapler down there, even if it was fake.
My gosh. This post has turned into... I don't know what.
That's no fig leaf, its a jellyfish creature growing out of you with bows on.
My internet is so slow at the moment, I had to wait hours for it to load. I thought it was an aquarium scene at first, but hey that's just me.
Well you started it with your I hear the train a'comin'
post and then threatening Rita with some doodle-waving. Then showing everyone your jellyfish syndrome, geez...
Since my meteoroligist friend didn't chime in with an explination I went looking. This seems to make sense:
There are railroad tracks about six miles. from my house. On most nights throughout the year, I don't hear the train when it passes. However, on the cooler nights of our winter, I can actually hear the train. Does sound travel faster in cooler weather? Or, is it perhaps because, for once, there is less humidity in the air?
Hollywood, FL
Your question intrigued me so much that I checked with our severe weather expert Dr. Greg Forbes on this and he was able to shed some light on the phenomenon you describe.
Usually energy in the form of sound waves travels upward and is dispersed. That’s why we don’t hear sounds more than about six miles away. (By the way, this is also why we don’t hear thunder from far away lightning.) On cold winter nights there is often a temperature inversion, with a layer of warm air above and cold air trapped near the ground. That inversion also traps the sound waves near the ground and allows them to travel horizontally much farther than usual. That’s why you hear the train better on a cold night!
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