I'm being attacked by giant teeth! Save me!!!!
That's actually a casting of my Dad's upper mouth. He's getting as much dental work done as he can before his insurance runs out. Fucking economy. Fucking Bush.
I think Dad handed it to me hoping I would freak out, but maybe not. He knows me well. It was a very odd and interesting thing to examine.
Dad has a new temporary "tooth". He'll get his permanant tooth/bridge soon. He looks much better without the gap there. He's had it fixed before, it kept falling out. His new dentist said the other guy did it completely wrong. I believe that...
My Mother has had a fake tooth for about 30 years. She had a root canal and there is some sort of screw type thing holding it in. It never fell out.

Dad has a new creature. That's Samson.

Do you like my horrid satanic/heavy metal goatee thing?
I don't. It's annoying me.
I'm going for it this time though. I'm gonna see how long and strange I can let it get. Maybe braid it if I can grow it long enough.

Quarter, dime, nickle & a penny. A standard sized mouse to show how small he is.
He's not supposed to get much bigger than he is now. He's a "tea-cup" which is smaller than usual. Isn't his little jacket cute? It's a ferret jacket, that's how small he is. He's very sweet...
If he turns insane and attacks Dad, me or the other dogs I'll squish him. Sorry, but chihuahuas have a really bad reputation.
If it's a choice between myself, a family member or the other doggies... Samson will fly across the room. I sincerely hope that doesn't ever happen.
Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. I don't really care. He doesn't have fleas anyway.
Dad took that. I was sleeping on his couch.
Since I can't find a man to sleep with me at least I have Dad's doggies to cuddle with.
That's Jake. He's a pug.
He likes to cuddle.
I joined an online dating service. I'm having absolutely no luck at all.
The only people who really expressed any interest seemed completely insane. The one was obviously a meth addict. No, not going there!
Everyone else is too good looking or nice. I can't contact them.
I guess I could contact one of the fetish freaks.... but they're all too damned scary!
I'm a 41 year old gay man, it's not like I can curl up in Dad's lap and have him hold me anymore.... even though I so badly want to. No, it's not a sex thing! I so want to be a kid again.
So, I guess I'm stuck with my stuffed animals or Dad's doggies. **sigh**
The little doggy is endearing in a fragile sort of way. When I was still married once I found a baby snake in early spring barely moving on the side walk, it was freezing cold to the touch, so I put it inside my bra because I heard you could hatch eggs that way. I kept it there all night, it took forever to warm up just a little. Unfortunately, it did not live.
I think I'll stick with worms & bettas.
I think you'd better stick with worms. Officer Bryant didn't survive very long. :-(
wow, a snake in your bra, Rita. how extraordinarily trusting. i thought it might wake up and bite you.
its really sad tat all we seem to want is to be cuddled. There are a lot of unhugged persons around in the world. I dont see why you cant curl up on your dads lap, i would if mine werent so damn cranky.
actually, no I wouldnt, but you go right ahead.
It was a harmless baby garden snake. It wouldn't have bitten Rita. We have them here too, I'd have tried to save it as well.
The warmest places I could put one is in the clothes dryer or my underpants. I think it would be better if I stuck ot in a fish tank with a dish towel, a dish of water and shined a light on it.
I certainly wouldn't want it in my underwear! If i stuck it in the dryer it would definitely perish.
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