My Dad just gave me my my birthday gift. I'm sitting here, crying, with snot dripping out of my nose. It's perfect. The cards are perfect.
And now a birthday message from my sock puppet! Take it away Socky!
Happy F bleep ing Birthday!
Should've known better than to use a dirty sock.
Anyway. Happy Birthday
Love Dad
Here's the other one, it's a pop-up card:
A thought for your birthday
gettin' older is like a trip to the outhouse...
Everybody's gotta do it, IT STINKS, and you're glad when it's over.
Happy birthday
Love Dad
He also got me this bit of oddity. Two pairs of shorts from the clearance stuff at K-Mart. They have freaking skulls all over them! Perfection.

It makes perfect sense to me. **blows nose, wipes eyes***
I was his little "pollywog" once upon a time. I'm suprised he remembers that.
He also finally went and fixed my blind friend's washing machine.
That alone would have been enough of a gift for me.
**last night** Dad. Please go look at his washer. He can't see to fix it. I'll try to help him, but I'll just make it worse!!
Took dad 15 minutes to fix.
I love you Dad. I love you very much. I'd be very lost without you.
Happy Birthyday Pollywog,
you big old softy, you.
My gift must be stuck at Customs. It's inflatable. It's hige. It's musical and silly. It's everything.
I'm 200 and 90 million years old or some shit now. I AM NOT liking this AT ALL.
I'm not supposed to be this old. My parents aren't supposed to be either!
My sister is still supposed to be a teenager.
I'm supposed to be that little kid I used to be. The one my blind friend put up with and let tag along with him before he got sick and lost his eyes.
You are everything you ever were, all at once.
You ARE that little kid.
Is there any proof that time is linear?
This made me happy for a little while. Silly little thing didn't want to get off me, he was cold. It has no hair! It still has a soft baby cranium! click He's Dad's.
I was a little hesitant to click and see what that was going to be...(no hair, soft cranium...)
Very cute.
Don't worry about birthdays. I pretend I dont have them. I am also sure that I am older than you, but you will never get me to confess.
I didn't tell you an alien burst out of my father's chest? Forgive me!
I've seen what you look like. You're about rhe same age as me.
hmm...thats a good call, based on my rear end.
I look a million years old, and you only look a thousand years old, wollypog.
Birthdays! BAH!
Why didn't you tell me?
I'm going to send you something & I just thought of the perfect gift...tee hee hee.
No skull shorts! NO MORE FROGS!
I can't wear these shorts outside because of my psoriasis. I have enough frogs! I also have a collection of pig paraphanelia!
I once wrote Miss Piggy and asked her to marry me. "She" sent me an "autographed" 8 x 10 photo! lol
well, I was going to send you a subscription to the local paper but then decided after I sobered up that it would be boring for you...I'll think of something...
Fifi, I've gotten quite a few compliments on your rear end! Guys want to know who you are!
I say, Oh, she's a friend of mine.
Today was only the third time I've worn that shirt. I really shouldn't wander about wearing such a thing but it is art in my opinion. That picture is fabulous.
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