I was sitting here talking on the phone with my Uncle last night/this morning (it was 2 am or something) and here comes the cat... it jumps up on the bed and grins at me, as if to say, Look what I got for you! (I know I'm not crazy, cats do grin, if you have one you know what I mean.)
I gotta put the phone down, the cat finally caught that freaking mouse he's been after.
Uh, ok. I'll wait.
Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!
It was still alive and running around the bed, I had to catch the darned thing myself before the cat got to it again. I think Death By Flushing is more merciful than what the cat would have done to it.
Mice don't freak me out. I've had pet mice, I even kept a plain old regular mouse as a pet... What's kind of freaking me out is the odd blurry image in that picture. (No not me you asshole.) What the hell is it?
What the heck is wrong with me? I put down the one phone, grabbed tissues and snatched the mouse up by it's tail... and I grabbed my cell and took a picture. I don't imagine that's exactly normal behavior.
My Sister is taking me to see my Uncle today, I'm taking him out for dinner. Hopefully there won't be any suprises like last week when the Wicked Stepsisters suddenly appeared.
Holy Shit. I just counted the time in my head... then I had to write it down just to be sure... We were on the phone for about eight hours last night.
An 8 hour phone call - shit, that's hard to fathom.
Hey, did you see BUZZ finally caved in and got his own blog!?
He linked ya - there's a link on my blog to his if you need it.
I know Buzz made a blog. I'll visit as time permits. I haven't been visiting anyone's anything as much as I'd like to... There are more important things these days.
I hear ya...his blog is pretty crappy anyway - no sense in wasting your time there, really.
Hi bryan!
I had a cat once that loved me anuff to bring me sacrificial offerings. One morning I woke up after having slept all night on a dead mouse, thanks to the cat. I swear that this is true...once she brought me a lb. of hamburger, still in the package.
I'm going call you this weekend, sometime.
L>T: I might have to blow you off if you call at the wrong time. I still haven't solidified plans for this weekend.
Give me a call anyway, if I can't talk I'll let 'ya know... Sorry, but making him happy is a bit more important.
It's been really rough on him and it isn't gonna get better any time soon.
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