Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
I think I'm Going To Die!!
Hey dad? Why is there a couch on top of your car?
Oh good! You're here! I need your help!!! I couldn't get a hold of your brother.
So he quickly removed both of his front doors with his power drill/screwdriver as I stood there bewildered and dismayed.
Come on! This'll be easy!
It wasn't that easy. Tilt it!! No not that way! Go the other way!! Is your leg under there? I'll lift here, you pull it out! I can't dad, I'm stuck!! Just don't move it OK? I don't wanna get crushed. *manages to move couch and cautiously removes leg*
Darned thing was freaking heavy. I also sustained a minor hand injury.
Oh darnit, you're hurt! I didn't mean to do that to you! Are you OK?
I'll be fine dad. What the hell did you need a couch for? *blood dripping down my arm*
I wanted a new one and this one was nice.
It's now a tiny bit soiled. There's a bit of my blood on it. Not where it can be seen.
Sacrifice? Cosmic significance? I almost died under this couch for Humanity's Sins!
It's sort of ugly. It's very comfy though. I tried it out, in various positions.
It isn't exactly"new" either. It's in "almost new" condition. He got it at the Salvation Army store.
The price tag was originally $150. It got marked down... $100, 80, 60, 45, 30.
It's ugliness can be overlooked, especially since it's so comfy.....
He paid $11.47 for the darned thing! Yes, twelve dollars for a perfectly good (slightly ugly) sofa. Can't beat that!!
Where the heck did they come up with such a seemingly arbitrary price? $11.47???
He got me this.
It's a "plasma globe" light. It's cool looking just lit up, but if you touch it or move your hands around near the globe the "lightning" effects change.
I've wanted one for ages but it's a stupid thing to spend money on.
He paid $5 for it. Retail they go for, like 30 bucks.
He almost got a recliner for $10, but he doesn't have room for one. If it was anywhere near the condition the couch is in it's a deal.
One man's trash is another's treasure.
Putting the front doors back was a real pain in the ass.
Yes, I'm sitting in the dark with my new thingie while on the computer. This thing is cool. Worth $5.
Interpet It As You Will
Who am I thinking about? A lost friend? One of my exes? The Blind Guy? One of my internet friends? Family? All of them? None of them?
Who are you thinking about? Obviously you thought of me... you wouldn't be here if you didn't... unless you got here from one of those fucking googlebotspyderinvasive searches.
Oh, here's the Leona Lewis version. It'll let me do this, click here instead.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Winter Trains

It happens other times of the year too, it's not just holidays when the trains are running constantly to possibly accommodate large groups of people.... but it's almost always at night, when it's very cold.
I live maybe a mile from the "Northeast Corridor" rail line. I could be in Florida or New York in almost no time if I really wanted to. I'm hoping to visit DC soon, somebody I kinda' know lives there.... I might even ride all the way to Florida.... and just ride back.....
I'm sure the train to Florida would dump me off somewhere I don't want to be. **sigh** It might be best to just come back home.... or not bother at all.
Anyway... I'm hearing the trains blow their horns.... every 5, 10, 15 minutes. I'm loving it.
It must be the cold wintery air that does it. It's got to be. It's noon and I still hear them. Maybe my one blogger friend can explain the atmospheric condition. *poke* :-)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hey!! Get Here Quick!! Bring Your Camera!!
Silly Dad. The dogs have flack jackets too. I think they even have galoshes.
They didn't exactly like their new rain gear.
The little black one, Clyde, didn't seem to care.
He does have a brain the size of a peanut after all.
I think the nut is cracked.
Jake didn't seem terribly amused.
He didn't know what to think.
Clyde is perpetually amused.
To Clyde it was just another adventure.
Rocks amuse Clyde. Lint amuses Clyde.
Happy Happy Happy!!!
Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle!!!
He's a complete retard.
I sometimes think it would be nice to be completely retarted.
Oh, excuse me, mentally challenged.
I mean one of the really mentally challenged... the kind that don't know they are and never will. One of the sort that would still be blissfully happy even as they got crushed by a steam roller.
They went for a 20 minute walk in the rain bundled in their sweaters and raincoats .
Happy Happy!!! Walk Walk!!
No, that's not me. That's my dad.
Even though I love his doggies I'm not walking them in that crap.
I'm not walking them in the snow either. They can go out in his yard.
(We haven't gotten any real snow today. Just rain that could cause lots of black ice. We got out of work early - 3 pm, in anticipation of that.
Currently snow is forecasted for tomorrow night.)
Jake still seemed thouroghly confused by his raincoat when they got back, with good reason...
Dad!!! He's got that smooshed pug face. He can't see out of the darned thing!!
Even with the rain gear they still managed to get pretty wet.
Awww. Look at their little sweaters!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wait Just A Second
I thought it was interesting. Something you never think about...
On Dec. 31 this year, your day will be just a second longer.

Like the more well-known time adjustment, the leap year, a "leap second" is tacked on to clocks every so often to keep them correct.
Earth's trip around the sun - our year with all its seasons - is about 365.2422 days long, which we round to 365 to keep things simpler. But every four years, we add 0.2422 x 4 days (that's about one day) at the end of the month of February (extending it from 28 to 29 days) to fix the calendar.
Likewise, a "leap second" is added on to our clocks every so often to keep them in synch with the somewhat unpredictable nature of our planet's rotation, the roughly 24-hour whirl that brings the sun into the sky each morning.
Historically, time was based on the mean rotation of the Earth relative to celestial bodies and the second was defined from this frame of reference. But the invention of atomic clocks brought about a definition of a second that is independent of the Earth's rotation and based on a regular signal emitted by electrons changing
In 1970, an international agreement established two timescales: one based on the rotation of the Earth and one based on atomic time.
The problem is that the Earth is very gradually slowing down, continually throwing the two timescales out of synch, so every so often, a "leap second" has to be tacked on to the atomic clock.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Yes, you do. **thinks to self: I'm buying myself a ticket. I'll get there somehow. I'm going.**
What does she sing? Are you stupid? **sings songs at her** Her? Yes, her.
I like her!!! Yes, her! You silly person!!!! I NEED TO KNOW NOW!!! I need to be awake!
Yes! Yes!! Get tickets!!
Excuse me? Guess I've mistaken you for somebody else,Hmmmm. Crosses eyes. Bangs head on desk. (the lyrics apply here) Why is everyone so damned stupid!!!! My Best Friend, who likes Jewel doesn't know who Jewel is. Aaaaaaarrrgggg!!!!
somebody who gave a damn! Somebody more like myself.
So, this faggot woke up at 9:00 am on a Saturday (unheard of, it's a rarity) to pounce upon tickets the moment they went on sale. Guess what. I still got shitty tickets, they sold out real quick. Shut up. I'm allowed to say faggot when I refer to myself. I'm GAY. Calling myself a fag is perfectly acceptable. Call me a fag and I might punch you in the face. It's like the "N-Word".
I now have two tickets to see Jewel Feb. 7th in a 1000 seat venue. Nice. I've been there before to see John Fogherty... so even my lousy seats are good. See, I'm not a total fruit. I like John Fogherty after all. (Why do I feel the need to justify myself? I might need therapy. Fuck all of you. OBVIOUSLY I'm not a happy camper lately)
We're gonna turn it into a whole weekend thing. Go down Friday, hang out, take a stroll if it's not terribly cold, get stinking drunk, leave Sunday... and of course there will be a jacuzzi.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I wrote you a poem... I'm not gonna write you a love song...
I wrote a Love Poem! Well.... not really. I was going through some of my bookmarks and found a Love Poem Generator. You just plug words into it like in Mad-Libs (noun, verb, adjective, like that) and it spits out your poem.
I'd link it so you could create your own but the site made my pop-up blocker madder than hell.
Apparently it doesn't work very well. Here's my love poem.
My Love
Your skin glows like the apple, blossoms sensuous as the iris in the purest hope of spring. My heart follows your piano voice and leaps like a puppy at the whisper of your name. The evening floats in on a great giraffe wing.
I am comforted by your jockstrap that I carry into the twilight of air freshenerbeams and hold next to my lips. I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of baby oil.
As my nose falls from my t-shirt, it reminds me of your doorknob. In the quiet, I listen for the last explosion of the day.
My heated earlobe leaps to my sock. I wait in the moonlight for your secret balloon so that we may lay as one, earlobe to earlobe, in search of the magnificient blue and mystical blanket of love.
How romantic!! Any takers? I am single.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Made By Request
It should be in the mail soon, along with the Tibetan silk afghan. I don't have a picture of that. I expect it's a bit pink. At the very least it'll be colorful. The yarn is made from remnants of the silk used to make saris. Indulgent, I know... but part of the proceeds from the silk yarn did go to charity.
I can't remember what I did. I helped AIDS patients, saved rainforests or gave a child shoes and books. Something of that sort. I don't know how much of it actually went to charity. Hopefully a fair portion, but "charities" have all that "overhead". **sigh** When they spend more on "management" than they do on "helping" is it really a charity?
Anyway... Here's my quilt! No! That's NOT my room!!

I figured anything bigger than a twin size would be a pain in the ass to wash and much bigger than I really need. This will work nicely anywhere I wish to use it and I can toss it in my washing machine rather than have to take a big one to the laundromat or a cleaner.
I'm not too keen on the cream color. It sould have been a darker, smoky color, more of a coffee shade. It's too white, but it works. Putting all those bits and pices together must have made her positively batty. She took it apart once or twice, maybe thrice or even more!

It's a custom creation made just for me, as was the silk yarn afghan (both a first for her). We played e-mail ping-pong back and forth with colors and designs until I decided what I wanted. I think it was a bit more work than she expected. I don't think she's made anything quite that big before (I could be wrong).
This was made by Gretchen from Banannas and Toddlers. She's quite a sewing wiz. She seems like quite an amazing person.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The reviews also say the movie destroyed the book. I ordered that as well. Free shippng rocks.
This is a clip from the 2002 movie The Rules of Attraction.
Ahhhh. To be young again. This is clip is reminiscent of a scene from my real life.