Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stop That!

I'm trying to read!

It isn't mine. It's dad's.

I think it's an Alien. A Gremlin.

It's supposed to be a dog.

It wiggles. Wiggles and wiggles then wiggles even more.

I give it a mean look and it cowers, curls into a little ball then flops on it's back waiting for me to pounce upon it and rub his belly.

I think it's insane. It's brain must be the size of a walnut.

It loves me though. That's a good thing... but it also loves rocks, lint, egg mcmuffins, bottle caps and practically everything else. Whatever.

It is a rather sweet creature.

I was reading this, written buy this guy, who I really know nothing about.

It was quite good. I couldn't put it down once I started reading it... Lost a whole day.

I wish him all the best... he's a good writer.


Regulus said...

Whose dog is that?

Anonymous said...

I found an excerpt from the book on line it was interesting. I'd read that book.

Bryan said...

It's dad's. That's my youngest brother Clyde! You saw a pic of me walking the doggies....

It was on here somewhere... until google ate all my pictures.

I still have them all, I don't really feel like fixing it though... what a pain in the ass!

Bryan said...

Shouldn't an excerpt be a bit shorter than this?

I was a bit disappointed at the end. It's unfinished, but that's the whole point.

fifi said...

It's an ewok, that little thing.

Bryan said...

All hell broke loose today. They started fighting over bones Daddy gave them. Scared the crap out of me and I was upstairs. They've never done that before.

I shall hide them and throw them away in the future. They really are sweet adorable doggies.

Anonymous said...

I love that little doggies face. I bet it's quite disgusting after he's had his face in the food dish, though.

Bryan said...

Suprisingly, no it isn't. It must have something to do with the texture of his fur I guess. He usually doesn't get food stuck on him.

Little bugger actually knows how to wipe his face too! Can you believe that? There's a towel on the floor by the food and water... he just walks over and wipes himself off!!

Anonymous said...

really? That is so cute. I could love a little doggy like that. :)