Sunday, July 29, 2007

Grey Begone!

*added pic and lyrics 7-29-07 afternoon*

(As always, click the pics to make them grow should you so desire)

This is not a black and white world
To be alive
I say that the colours must swirl
And I believe
That maybe today
We will all get to appreciate
The Beauty of Grey

Live - The Beauty of Gray

Pursue it further and another thing you'll find
Not only are they deaf and dumb they could be going blind and no one notices
I think I'll dye my hair blue

Missing Persons - Words

I decided I needed a change. I'm tired of all that grey hair. On the way home from getting the stuff to dispose of it I saw that there was a full moon. It figures.

Ok, so I'll blame it on the full moon crazies then. I think I'll keep it a while.

First I had to bleach the heck out of my hair. I should have left it in a bit longer but I didn't want to fry my hair. I did that one summer many years ago, I dyed my hair every color under the sun that year. I ended up cutting it all off, it was in such bad shape.

I kind of like it this way. Maybe I should have stopped there... but I didn't...

Now all I need is blue contact lenses. Yes, my hair is blue. This stuff doesn't just rinse out either. I have blue hair. I kinda like it!

*added* Here I am out and about this afternoon at an intersection waiting for the cars to pass. I put that shirt on deliberately. Punk rocker colored hair, punk rocker outfit... ummm, my bike matches my hair too. I didn't do that on purpose.*added*

Just so you have something nice and normal to look at... these are from my yard Saturday morning.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bryan to the rescue!!!!

I went to see John Mayer this weekend. I don't care what anybody says, he's talented. He can belt out a rock song or he can do wimpy girly songs... he can play some kick ass guitar.

Fuck you if you disagree. I don't give a shit.

This is the show I meant to go to last week when I mixed up my dates. "Ben" of Ben Folds Five may or may not have beeen there. The band was... I think. I actually fell asleep at one point. How pathetic is that?

It's no reflection on the bands or the music, I was just so darned tired. A whole day at work, a train ride and a concert? I was awake for John though. That's when Ben sang. I think. It didn't look like him as I remember him. *googles* Yep, it was him.

The Blackberry/ATT people were giving out these. Sort of neat. I turned mine off. They stay lit or flash in different ways depending on how you fiddle with it.

I saved a young man from peril. Ok, he wasn't really in peril. He got left behind. He could have gotten to where he needed to go without me, but I was stuck too and I knew how to get us where we needed to go. He split the 50.00 cab ride with me. Thinking about it now, I should have told him to keep his 25.00 and "pay it foward".

Stupid mass transit idiots.

Nice kid. Heh, I was hoping he'd come on to me, but I had seen him with his friends earlier and knew he was a straight guy. He was just a tiny bit lost and puzzled.. I'd hang with him. Cool guy.

I know what it's like to get stranded somewhere strange because your friends are dumbasses or drunken idiots. I wasn't gonna leave him alone to figure it out when I already knew how to get from point A to B. I got him hooked up with his friends again.

Here's Artie. He's a lifeguard. I hope to meet him again someday but without the giant cab fare. He seemed like a good dude. Pictures? Of course. I spent an hour or so with this very nice cute guy. No, we didn't exchange numbers or anything.

on the bus...

He was very cute. I had to snap a few pics.

Ummmmm. Here he is getting into our cab. Nice view.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Since you asked, I'm not dead...

I'm not dead... yet. Here are a few pics from last week. They get bigger if you click em.

Shower head? Why? No idea. It just looked cool in reality.

Here I am all fresh and clean leaving for an accidental concert. I circled the wrong date on my calandar. Ooops. I got there and pulled out my ticket... uh, oh. This is for next week (this week).

Well, I'm here, I took trains and cabs and a ferry. I have a room at the Mariott booked for the weekend. Who's playing? I ended up with a ticket to see Styx & Def Leppard. Nice seat huh? That's the runway thing where they run out into the audience. They sounded good... you had to get over the fact that they looked decrepit. ie: The Stones.

More to come later.. maybe. I have more pics, possibly many. I did the whole turist thing too. I want to go again. There's plenty to do, so much I didn't see or haven't seen since grade school.

There's also a very cute, very young man in one of the discount stores who gave me "The Look". I made him laugh. He was certainly more than 'interested'. Made my day. Perhaps I'm not as old and decrepit as I think... or maybe he has some sort of fetish. 19-22 year olds aren't my thing though I wouldn't mind flirting with him some more, or even hanging out and having pizza or something like that... that's all though.

Here's some blurry "eye candy" for those who like such things. These two were hotties. People in a crowd.

Yes, I did try to stay in close proximity to both of them, but they moved a bit faster than me and I didn't want to be obviously oogling since both of then could have beaten the crap out of me had they wanted to.

Off to bed. I have to catch the metro/rail to go see who I meant to go see LAST WEEK tomorrow right after work... Then stuff to do. Visits with people who I love too much. *sigh*

I might be gone for a bit, but I'm not dead yet! Que Python quotes.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ooooh! Tasty!

I had to go somewhere on the bus today. These are all over the one side of the road. I thought at least one of the people who read this crappy blog might enjoy them a little.

It's a shame they will be beating the crap out of each other, probably right now. On the way home I got off the bus much earlier than I had to.... I wanted to pull one down to hang on one of my walls. Unfortunately they were all securely glued down, not just stapled or tacked up.

There was no way to take any of them down. Not only would I have been stealing, it would have been property damage too... and ruining some "eye candy" for others that might enjoy gazing at the posters.

I'm ok in case you care. I'm hovering at the midpoint, not too far one way or the other. I don't intend to disappear soon. I have a few things to look forward to soon. I also got a sort of, tentative, might not happen, ok for a possible little visit with someone next spring.

Day by day. (*insert Godspell song here* Don't worry I haven't gone all religous either, It's a good song.) Is how I'll try to work it. I'm drinking even less than I was before.. I started reducing that a long time ago... and I've severely reduced that again. It's damned hard, but I'm trying fucking hard. Go me.

It isn't just the fact that I drink. There are many things I cannot say in a public forum, much less explain to someone.

I'm thinking of a nose piercing next. Wadda ya think?

Anyway, here's a pic. It gets bigger if you click it. If it's too gay for you scroll by, or don't come visit. I'm tired of not being me. I got tired of it long ago. I'm Bryan, nothing more. That's what you get.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I'm still a bit frazzeled...

I'm still a bit frazzeled, exhausted and wilting from the heat.

Why did nobody think to help the boy with this other than me? It's very complicated too and I can see to read all this crap.

The boy needs a new digital photo ID. He has a paper one w/out a picture that is still valid, but since 9/11 that amounts to nothing.

He also needs his Soc sec. card and birth certificate. He no longer knows where whey are.

To get these things replaced he needs these same things as identification... fortunately getting his birth certificate should be be pretty easy.

Why must things be so damned difficult? He worked security for years, he's had a full background check. He was even licenced to carry firearms back then I think. He's in the "system" dammit. I've told him to take advantage of what he can while he can. He never did drugs. He was never a drinker either. This never should have happened to him.

It's now easier for an illegal immigrant to get these documents. Why the hell are some of the documents/instructions you need available in Portuguese? Fuck that shit. I wouldn't go to Portugal without knowing how to communicate politely "Where is the toilet. I need to shit."

The translation I learned in Spanish class is wrong. It does mean where is the bathroom... The bath. It doesn't mean where can I piss. Fucking bullshit world.

End of rant. I am kinda ok. Frazzled and exhausted is the best way to put it.

Must end with a piccie. A picture of me and the boy from very long ago. Guess who's in the Miss Piggy outfit. In size 10 women's heels. I also wore the other outfit once or twice I think.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Shiny Happy People

Shiny happy people laughing
Meet me in the crowd
People, people
Throw your love around
Love me, love me
Take it into town
Happy, happy
Put it in the ground
Where the flowers grow
Gold and silver shine

Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing

Everyone around, love them, love them
Put it in your hands
Take it, take it
There's no time to cry
Happy, happy
Put it in your heart
Where tomorrow shines
Gold and silver shine

That's not exactly the right song I want here. I'm not sure what should be there. It's close enough though. It will do.

A certain few of my internet "friends" were kind enough to email me or call me. There are things going on that I can't possibly explain. I can't blog them either, so here is what you get.

I don't know why I even botherd to black out his face, we look almost exacty alike. I don't have his consent to share his photo though. That's my Dad. Do we look like shiny happy people? We did hold hands at some point... maybe not that day, I think it was that day though.

I was in the hospital. The kind they don't like to let you out of. It was sanitized for my protection, see the toilet? Look at that towel. I used it once. I thought it incredibly stupid to throw it in the laundry. I could have killed myself with the amount of towels that were available.

I had real nice shower. People, trust me. You do not want a granite or marble floor in your shower. You just don't. They hurt your feet and are cold.

These showers were also where all the sex was happening. You need to leave your doors open... but if you got behind that wall and were quiet nobody noticed. There was a very nice looking straight man who was getting it every night. If he was even slightly bisexual he'd have been getting it from me too. He was also a very nice person. A very nice person. He broke down and cried one night in one of the "sessions" we wers supposed to attend. This wasn't crocodile tears... he wasn't faking this at all. It was real.

I can't tell his story. It ism't mome to tell.
I guess we could have done it on my bed too. That would have been difficult, sort of hard when someone is checking on you every 15 minutes. I wasn't looking for anything like that anyway. I just wanted to be set free.

Nothing terribly bad happened, except the doors of my house got kicked in... The only one I was a danger to was myself... unfortunately for me, someone realized I was really serious. Seriously serious. She knows better now. I explained my brain to her as best as I could. Next time she won't know... and if she does she knows I don't want it stopped.

I'm ok. I don't plan on going away anytime soon. It's hard though. Really fucking hard. I have a John Mayer concert to go to on July 14th... me, just me. I knew nobody would go with me so I bought one ticket. Now everyone is worried about me and wants to come. Your loss. Go find your own ticket.

I'm going to see Richard Marx (again) in August. My Sister got the tickets, real seats (3), so I know what she paid for them. I have this thing about wanting an actual seat, not the standing only crap. No matter who we go to see we usually end up down there anyway though, right up front. I sprang for the room... decent place, since I booked it now and I got a great deal. I know these rooms will be 300.00 a night in August. So I have plenty of reasons to stick around. People love me and care about me. I know this, I knew this before. It's still hard though.

So this is not all sadness, here are a couple of a pictures from a concert I recently went to with my Sister and her Husband. The band Live.

I'm gonna be by that pole, should we get seperated I'll meet you on the sidewalk near the car.

Did you see me? Do you know where I was?

You were by the pole right?

Ummmm... nope. I wasn't, I was up front. Bouncing up and down with the kids. There was no personal space in this area. Guys and girls, guys and guys all pressed against one another. Claustrophobia? You didn't need to be where I was.

"You were that close to him! He had his shirt off?!?! I don't like you."


Me on the train home from the Live concert. I think it was 2:30 am-ish. The trains kept being on dffrent platforms and such so I kept missing them.