Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Strange Weather

That's actually the "cowlick" on one of of my Dad's doggies, Jake.

It just grows like that.

Looks like a satellite photo of a hurricane.

Even tho he was half asleep in my lap, getting those pics was a pain. He wanted to "kiss" my phone!

Silly dog.


Anonymous said...

When I first looked at it I thought it WAS a cloud picture.

Sometimes I wish i had a little doggy. But only sometimes. They are too much responsibility for me.

Bryan said...

Jake was in my lap and I thought "Cool Picture!"

I was going to play a "guess what that is" game with my few readers and try to make them crazy... but you're all crazy anyway!

I mean that in the nicest way!!

Too much responsibility. That's why I'm glad Dad has his doggies. I get to enjoy them without the responsibilities.

Heck, I want another cat, but then I have to care for it. Cats pretty much care for themselves, but I can barely take care of me, so I shall remain cat-less.

fifi said...

I thought it was one of regulus' clouds...

Bryan said...

That's what I was thinking, it looks like a weather formation.

fifi said...

about ten hours and sound.... :-)

Bryan said...

Glad to hear that. What an awful thing though.