Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Armed and Dangerous

Don't even ask. It would be too hard/strange to explain.

I had to take 20 or so pictures to get that one. I almost cut my fingers off.

I like it. I look slightly dangerous.


Regulus said...

This image is precisely why I don't think it would be a good idea to visit you. This is what I'd see at 3AM ... Just sayin' ...

Bryan said...

I hope you know darned well I wouldn't come chasing after you with that thing. It scares me!

It's all theatrics Regulus. You've seen my strange pictures, wigs, outfits etc.

I'd let you search the house and let you put your own lock on the basement door so you knew there were no harmful items around!

You would be more in danger of excessive cuddling than getting your head chopped off!

You know where I live. Somebody got shot a block away the other day. Having that hidden away could possibly save my life.