Sunday, March 1, 2009

Too Much Infomation

I just got off the phone...

My mother has become a nudist. I didn't need to know that. (We have some strange conversations now that we're all grown)

She just spent her vacation with Regulus!!!! ... sort of, they were in the same place, the same time.

Oh! The HORROR! My mother running accoss some beach naked and tripping over Regulus while he was covered up hiding from the sun!

I think they'd actually like each other. The naked part would be odd though.

I don't think they met, in any way, shape or form. If they did I hope mom wasn't running around naked with her boyfriend!!!! I do know that mom has enough sense to not go running around naked everywhere.... but still, Ewwwww!!!


Anonymous said...

LOL, LMAO...hey some of us have to live our lives, and the babies have to deal with it.........

Bryan said...

Oh, shut up you! Begone! I know who you are and I know where the chickens are at! They'd be tasty in some jambalya!