Fuck you if you disagree. I don't give a shit.

It's no reflection on the bands or the music, I was just so darned tired. A whole day at work, a train ride and a concert? I was awake for John though. That's when Ben sang. I think. It didn't look like him as I remember him. *googles* Yep, it was him.

I saved a young man from peril. Ok, he wasn't really in peril. He got left behind. He could have gotten to where he needed to go without me, but I was stuck too and I knew how to get us where we needed to go. He split the 50.00 cab ride with me. Thinking about it now, I should have told him to keep his 25.00 and "pay it foward".
Stupid mass transit idiots.
Nice kid. Heh, I was hoping he'd come on to me, but I had seen him with his friends earlier and knew he was a straight guy. He was just a tiny bit lost and puzzled.. I'd hang with him. Cool guy.
I know what it's like to get stranded somewhere strange because your friends are dumbasses or drunken idiots. I wasn't gonna leave him alone to figure it out when I already knew how to get from point A to B. I got him hooked up with his friends again.
Here's Artie. He's a lifeguard. I hope to meet him again someday but without the giant cab fare. He seemed like a good dude. Pictures? Of course. I spent an hour or so with this very nice cute guy. No, we didn't exchange numbers or anything.
on the bus...

Sounds like a good time, was had.
That is so nice of you to come to someone's rescue. But, it does not surprise me at all. I know by talking to you THAT is the kind of person you are. :)
I went to a peace protest yesterday. It was great. I'll tell you about it on the phone, maybe. I've met some really interesting people lately.
No one that my soon to be ex-husband would approve of. Funny thing is, at the protest... on the other side of the street, were some red-neck & rude flag wavers that he would of approved of.
Oh, nice shower head, BTW. Not as impressive at you made it sound the other day.
The concert ended later than expected, so the light rail ended up dropping us off where they had an express bus waiting for us. I wasn't jamming myself into that thing with all those other people.
I was prepared, I had 2 garbage bags in my backpack in case it started to pour down rain, a jacket, water etc. I could have slept in the woods if I had to.
This kid fell asleep on the train and was a little dazed when we got dropped off. I wasn't gonna leave him stuck there waiting for his idiot friends (one was his big sister) to come back and find him.
He'd have been ok, he had his phone.
The picture of the shower head does not show it's true beauty... neither does the one of the boy's behind as he was getting into the cab.
Why were those devices being handed out? What did they do other than make flash in funny ways?
But who is this boy Artie? And why are you taking surreptitious pictures of him? Well, actually, I know why you took those pictures of him. All I can say is -- having been known to do that on occasion myself -- be careful when taking pictures by stealth of strangers!
Arc: I don't think they actually did much more than blink. It was a promotional gimmick, they were neat.
Blackberry & ATT were the show sponsors... if you gave them your email addie so they could bombard you with spam they took a little photo of you and slipped in inside the thing, there's a little slot.
Tracking device? I doubt it. I know they can track you with a Blackberry. Heck, they can track you with your phone these days.
Who is Artie? No idea really, just a young man who got abandoned by his friends. I couldn't very well leave him by himself. I'd have gotten him where he needed to be even if he wasn't a cutie pie.
I know all about stealth photos... why do you think you can't actually see him in these. I wasn't supposed to be taking them!
Hee hee, somebody on the bus did see me tho (there were only 5 of us). I saw him watching me and giggling.
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