(As always, click the pics to make them grow should you so desire)
This is not a black and white world
To be alive
I say that the colours must swirl
And I believe
That maybe today
We will all get to appreciate
The Beauty of Grey
Live - The Beauty of Gray
Pursue it further and another thing you'll find
Not only are they deaf and dumb they could be going blind and no one notices
I think I'll dye my hair blue
Missing Persons - Words

I decided I needed a change. I'm tired of all that grey hair. On the way home from getting the stuff to dispose of it I saw that there was a full moon. It figures.
Ok, so I'll blame it on the full moon crazies then. I think I'll keep it a while.

Now all I need is blue contact lenses. Yes, my hair is blue. This stuff doesn't just rinse out either. I have blue hair. I kinda like it!
*added* Here I am out and about this afternoon at an intersection waiting for the cars to pass. I put that shirt on deliberately. Punk rocker colored hair, punk rocker outfit... ummm, my bike matches my hair too. I didn't do that on purpose.*added*

Just so you have something nice and normal to look at... these are from my yard Saturday morning.

Hey, that's not bad at all. ;)
I like it actually. It goes well with the piercing & the tattoos. Apparently they don't mind that sort of thing where you work?
Now you get to color coordinate with your hair.
L>T: I'm me, just me!
I've been wanting to dye it blue for about 4 years now, I decided what the heck.... because, yes it does fit with the tats and piercings.
They better not complain at work. The people we provide service to don't see me, it's over the phone. As long as I'm in my little box doing my job, what does it matter?
You should see some of the hair colors and outfits some people there have... and it's not like I have a foot and 1/2 mohawk haircut that would poke out someone's eye!
I see you noticed the blue shirt.. I had that already, one of my favorite colors. When taking pix of one's blue hair shouldn't they wear their blue shirt? :-)
I like the yellow/blonde look better.
I'm speechless.
I have a feeling that is going to cause a stir at work...
(By the way, is it "gray" or "grey"? I see it spelled both ways ... weys...)
Arc: Yes, it was quite a hit. People don't expect normalcy from me anyway.
That's not real. What color is that? Are you having a mid-life crisis or what? etc.
The coloring is named "Blue Haired Freak". If we do meet up in DC for some sight seeing I'll look a little more normal if you'd like. :-)
It'll wash out in a month then I'll be blonde. I'll have to recolor it or something, it'll be time for a cut then anyway. I like the blue though. My Sister loves it!
re: Gray vs. Grey, both are acceptable, though I'm sure you should only use one or the other when writing.
Hello there,
I just came by from Arc's blog (via your comment) and I just thought I'd say that i really like the blue hair.
For what its worth, tha hot guy in the picture look like he would be really self-obsessed and vain...
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